Inclusión de niños con tea a través de la implementación de avances tecnológicos del siglo xxi

Inclusión de niños con tea a través de la implementación de avances tecnológicos del siglo xxi

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Luisa Fernanda Gómez
Valentina Pérez
María Fernanda Olivera
María Alejandra Pérez
Fransesca Santos
Mileidys León
Ingrid Romero Lázaro


For this research, a technological tool aimed at mobile devices (app) called DictaPicto was applied, focused on stimulating the visual part through didactic illustrations that serve as a support for the creation of concepts in individuals suffering from autistic effect disorder (asd) –who often have difficulties to understand verbal and non-verbal messages–. These types of tools are used to facilitate their adaptation to their environment and, therefore, their communication. The overall objective is to analyze the effects of the application on adolescents suffering from autism. DictaPicto offers benefits for daily communication in any situation for those who have this condition. It was concluded that using this app facilitated the reading of the context to encourage expression and participation in the classroom of students with asd. This type of strategy facilitates the interpersonal relationships of autistic adolescents in their social environments.



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References (SEE)

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