Plataforma robótica operada remotamente: MARK 1
Plataforma robótica operada remotamente: MARK 1
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The following article presents the creation, design and construction of the remotely operated vehicle “MARK 1”, which participates in the internal robotics contest called “Reto Indiana en los Cielos”, carried out by the School of Electronic Engineering of the Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior (cun). To participate in the event, always seeking innovation in electronics and design, the creation of a vehicle was achieved that met all the electronic and mechanical characteristics that were required to pass the challenges set by the contest. The objective of this work is to describe the process that was carried out to create the MARK 1 robot, in such a way that the reengineering process is evident: the advances and modifications that appeared throughout the construction process. It is important to mention that mechanical, electronic and physical challenges arose during the adaptation of the robot to the challenges prepared to pass the obstacle course.
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