Domestic metal detector applying embedded systems

Detector doméstico de metales aplicando sistemas embebidos

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Jheison Martínez Bolívar
John Edwar Gutiérrez Céspedes
Alexis García Herrera


This article aims to demonstrate the existence
of metal detection in food and proposes a solution
for domestic use, it has economic potential,
for its implementation it requires both hardware
and software knowledge. Initially, the effects
of eating food containing metallic elements are
shown, at first glance they are not perceptible,
then, some documented cases are presented
that have negative consequences for consumers
and companies. A metal detector was designed
using electromagnetic fields to detect metals of
a specific size, in products intended for human
consumption. These devices usually have sensitivity
adjustment levels to determine their effectiveness
against a potential contaminant, and
through strict control, small metallic objects can
be prevented from getting into food products.



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