La creación como memoria y acto sublime en el guion Elisa

La creación como memoria y acto sublime en el guion Elisa

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Daniela González Cortés
Manuela Rodríguez Henao
Daniel Posso Granada
Nicolás Calderón Alfaro
Diego Andrés Rincón Ayala


In our opinion, every image has two qualities that are in constant conflict, on one hand there’s the objective representation of reality, on the other hand, every image is also the product of a subjective construction. We can observe this in the script Elisa, which retracts the life of a painter with Alzhei­mer’s disease, who tries to depict three important moments of her life, but, as her disease progresses, she starts to create fake memories. This frustrate Manuel, her husband, who sees the condition that his wife is in and accepts this new reality. In our opinion, the story shows that remembering is also an act of creation, Elisa reconstructs reality in a subjective way. Naturally, Manuel has a hard time understanding this, because he lives in an objective reality. In the end, he rejects his reality thanks to the love he feels for his wife, and in doing so, we see a sublime act. Because of this, we propose there are two qualities in every image that are in conflict: the mimetic representation, and, the subjective representation. The conflict can be resolved thanks to a sublime act. To explain this, we describe the concept of creation, image, memory and sublime act in the script Elisa.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Daniela González Cortés, Universidad Central

Estudiante de Cine, Octavo Semestre, Universidad Central de Bogotá.

Manuela Rodríguez Henao, Universidad Central

Estudiante de Cine, Octavo Semestre, Universidad Central de Bogotá

Daniel Posso Granada, Universidad Central

Estudiante de Cine, Octavo Semestre, Universidad Central de Bogotá.

Nicolás Calderón Alfaro, Universidad Central

Estudiante de Cine, Octavo Semestre, Universidad Central de Bogotá.

Diego Andrés Rincón Ayala, Universidad Central

Estudiante de Cine, Octavo Semestre, Universidad Central de Bogotá.