Radios comunitarias: una experiencia colectiva de paz imperfecta

Radios comunitarias: una experiencia colectiva de paz imperfecta

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María Angélica Cachaya Bohórquez


This article develops some conceptual assumptions that are framed in the investigation “Community Radios of Huila: Voices of peace and resistance. Cases of Neiva, Algeciras, and Pitalito”. It seeks to understand significant practices of peace and resistence that are attributed to the communicative work of the community radios and their impacts in the communities. Today’s community radios are constituted as one of the community media and alternatives that have persisted in the dispute over the public communication of democratization. To build it has meant multiple efforts to make it collective, meaningful and close to the social actors of the territories where they are located. As a collective experience, the community radio has had to deal with different scenarios of conflict, both external and internal, that show experiences that could be termed as imperfect peace. Rethinking community radio is a daily task: an unfinished project that invites you to mobilize through the social agendas of the territories, even before the prevalence of conflict as a motivating source.



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Author Biography (SEE)

María Angélica Cachaya Bohórquez, Corporacion Unificada Nacional (CUN)

Comunicadora social y periodista. Magíster en Educación y Cultura de Paz. Docente investigadora del programa de Comunicación Social y Periodismo de la Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior (CUN), Regional Huila. Contacto: