¿Qué nos ha legado el pasado? ¿Qué nos queda por hacer?

¿Qué nos ha legado el pasado? ¿Qué nos queda por hacer?

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Shannon Botelho


This paper reflects on the artistic and cultural scene of the South American countries and the political conflicts surrounding this place of thought. Through the use of the concepts of colonization, postmodernity and decolonization, ways of understanding contemporary artistic and cultural relations are presented, as well as perspectives to rethink the modes of international connection of knowledge. In the face of advances in exclusion and violence policies in Brazil and Colombia, a thinking platform is established that analyzes, on the one hand, the past and the marks of the processes of domination and intellectual and social control, on the other, the present of cultural relations between countries and forms, possible points of connection, as well as critical points of view for a desired future and different from the current reality. 



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Author Biography (SEE)

Shannon Botelho, Colegio Pedro II

Maestro en Historia y Crítica del Arte del Programa de Postgrado en Artes Visuales e Historiador del Arte de la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro y licenciado en Artes Visuales del Centro Universitario Metodista Bennett. Investiga el arte brasileño y sus instituciones en el siglo xx, con énfasis en la década del cincuenta. Curador, crítico de arte y profesor del Departamento de Artes Visuales del Colegio Pedro II y curador invitado en el Memorial Municipal Getúlio Vargas (rj). Contacto: shannonbotelho@cp2.g12.br