Actualización de las tablas de retención documental de la E. S. E. Hospital Germán Vélez Gutiérrez del municipio de Betulia (Antioquia)

Actualización de las tablas de retención documental de la E. S. E. Hospital Germán Vélez Gutiérrez del municipio de Betulia (Antioquia)

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Luisa Fernanda Salazar Montoya
Jorge Iván Oquendo Ángel


The E. S. E. Hospital Germán Vélez Gutiérrez of the Municipality of Betulia is a decentralized entity that seeks to achieve and maintain high standards of quality in the provision of health services and position itself as a regional leader. To maintain that status and keep growing, it requires maintaining and maintaining a continuous improvement of the institutional management system linked to state and local policies that allow it to achieve the mission and institutional vision. Within this management system are the documentary management policies that frame the trd and the way of filing and keeping the documents of the institution. Currently, the entity does not have updated Documentation Retention Tables according to current technical and legal norms, much less adjusted to the realities of the company, which has generated delays in the search, loss and misplacement of documents. With this situation arises the need to update the trd of the E. S. E. Hospital Germán Vélez Gutiérrez of the Municipality of Betulia that will allow raising the rates of customer satisfaction and quality. To achieve this, it is necessary to advance an institutional diagnosis based on the revision of the current TRD and through a documentary survey; make the changes and corrections pertinent to the current TRD, update them according to the archival regulations and finally socialize them. 



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Luisa Fernanda Salazar Montoya, Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior - CUN

Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior (CUN), Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas, Programa de Administración Pública, Betulia, Colombia.

Jorge Iván Oquendo Ángel, Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior - CUN

Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior (CUN), Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas, Programa de Administración Pública, Betulia, Colombia.

References (SEE)

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