¿De Occidente para el mundo? La teoría poscolonial y el conocimiento en relaciones internacionales

¿De Occidente para el mundo? La teoría poscolonial y el conocimiento en relaciones internacionales

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Sebastián Rodríguez Luna


The article presents a reflection on the place of postcolonial theory in international relations, as a lens that proposes a novel epistemological framework for the discipline. I analyze how postcolonial theory denounces that the logics of domination inherited from colonialism are reproduced through the social sciences and, especially, in international relations and their ways to produce scientific knowledge. Thus, after identifying certain relations of domination of an actor over another one –expressed in the duality of colonizer and colonized–, I highlight two of the main critiques provided by postcolonialism on knowledge in international relations: the Eurocentrism of knowledge, according to which Europe (or the West) assumed the power to point out as theory –frames to understand the world– what is produced there and as culture –units of analysis– what is done outside; and the situated character of knowledge, with which it is intended to move the locus of enunciation of knowledge towards the Global South. 



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Author Biography (SEE)

Sebastián Rodríguez Luna, Universidad de los Andes

Magíster en Ciencia Política. Profesor del Departamento de Lenguas y Cultura de la Universidad de los Andes.

References (SEE)

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