Crisis de refugiados en Europa: del Estado de derechos al Estado de seguridad. Hungría en el ojo del huracán

Crisis de refugiados en Europa: del Estado de derechos al Estado de seguridad. Hungría en el ojo del huracán

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Deysi Mayerli Tavera Acevedo


The strategical use of fear has allowed, by means of securitization processes, the establishing of the rule of security, when it comes to the migration matters on Hungary, for fear is the main reason people protect themselves in the rule of security or decide to follow a political project that renounces freedoms and the defense of rights, so order and security prevail. In the Hungarian political landscape, the 2015 European refugee crisis gave a chance of strengthening for far-right groups and facilitated the development of a securitization process, through mechanisms such as persuasion, propaganda, learning and socialization against people who came looking for international protection. This led to the instrumentalization of fear of death, of losing an economic status, and of the deconstruction of a so call collective identity, to legitimate extraordinary actions above the democratic rules of human rights and international conventions. 



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Author Biography (SEE)

Deysi Mayerli Tavera Acevedo, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Politóloga con énfasis en relaciones internacionales de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Estudios en derecho y relaciones internacionales de la Universidad Antonio Nebrija (Madrid, España)

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