Characterization of compliance with the sustainable development goals (SDG) by private and public companies in Colombia

Caracterización del cumplimiento de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS) por parte de las empresas privadas y públicas en Colombia

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Flor Nancy Diaz Piraquive
Yasser de Jesús Muriel Perea
Leidy Dayana Suarez Granados
Eliana Eugenia Luna Espinosa
Johanna Trujillo Diaz


The study aim is to characterize the fulfillment of the sustainable development goals - sdg- by
private and public companies in Colombia. To achieve this purpose, the quantitative approach methodology, with a descriptive - exploratory
scope, is used. In coherence with the research approach, to collect the information, a questionnaire
is used that is applied to 66 companies
from 32 departments of Colombia and the Capital District of Bogotá. The results of the research show that, despite the fact that companies
in Colombia know what the sdg are and
that it is important to contribute to their fulfillment, they do not significantly develop actions
and mechanisms to generate awareness of the importance of their fulfillment in organizations.
The study allows us to conclude that there are still gaps for the fulfillment of the sdg, which is critical if one takes into account that these purposes
are fundamental for the development and sustainability of humanity.



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References (SEE)

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