La tecnología, el undécimo problema para el novelista latinoamericano

La tecnología, el undécimo problema para el novelista latinoamericano

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Luis Fernando Gasca Bazurto


This document arises from the same concern that more than forty years ago also had Angel Rama and exposed in the significant and influential essay Ten Problems for the Latin American novelist. In this document, the author raised ten problems that, in his opinion, determined Latin American literary evolution and, in this sense, the difficulty we have had in our continent to understand who we are. But, at that moment, Angel Rama could not understand what technology would mean for the 21st century novelist. Therefore, in this text, we present a brief description of what Ángel Rama pro­posed and then explain how technology is presented as a new problem that challenges the novelist to maintain its authenticity in a globalized world determined by culture. technocratic



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Author Biography (SEE)

Luis Fernando Gasca Bazurto, Corporacion Unificada Nacional (CUN)

Realizador de cine y televisión, egresado de la Escuela de Cine y Televisión de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Magíster en Literatura y Cultura del Instituto Caro y Cuervo de Bogotá. Profesor titular del programa de Dirección y Producción de Medios Audiovisuales e investigador del grupo Codim de la Escuela de Comunicación y Bellas Artes de la Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior - cun. Contacto: