La memoria histórica y su función reparadora

La memoria histórica y su función reparadora

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Roberto Eduardo Reyes Gámez


In a country like Colombia, historically haunted by various manifestations of social and political violence, armed conflict is itself a public health problem that often triggers new conflicts and ex­pressions of violence. This phenomenon has fueled the eternal cycle of violence that involves in its voragine the new generations, which continue repeating almost unconsciously the path that brought us to the most painful moments in our history. For that reason, the resulting conjunction of historical memory, armed conflict, and its overcoming, become indispensable to break the cycle of violence. Especially, historical memory ends up as a therapeutic tool whose social application would be essen­tial for us to learn the lessons that armed conflict has left behind.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Roberto Eduardo Reyes Gámez, Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica

Psicólogo y especialista en Paz y Desarrollo Territorial. Servidor público del Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica