Evaluación productiva y económica de la incidencia de Newcastle en gallina ponedora: caso de estudio granja Ecocriollos S. A. S., La Mesa (Cundinamarca)

Evaluación productiva y económica de la incidencia de Newcastle en gallina ponedora: caso de estudio granja Ecocriollos S. A. S., La Mesa (Cundinamarca)

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Luisa Fernanda Mendoza Morales
Janeth Mireya Sánchez Sánchez


The demand for poultry products has shown an exponential growth. This has led to the development of specialized lines with high production rates but that may be more susceptible to certain diseases including Newcastle, a virus that produces respiratory effects that decrease the productivity of birds. In 2017 in Cundinamarca, an outbreak took place, and affected small poultry farmers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive and economic consequences of the disease in the company Ecocriollos S. A. S., located in La Mesa, Cundinamarca, by the analysis of production records of the company from 2017 to 2018. In those it was identified that the percentage of posture decreased by more than 30 % in the water phase of the disease also, food conversion increased which generates significant economic losses for producers. 



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