ROE and EVA in the medium-sized Colombian edible oils and fats factory

ROE y EVA en la mediana fábrica colombiana de aceites y grasas comestibles

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Jorge Alberto Rivera Godoy


The purpose of this research is to evaluate the financial performance of the medium-sized edible oils and fats factory in Colombia in the period 2016-2021, using as methodology the static and trend analysis of the return on equity (ROE) and economic value added (EVA) indicators and their inducers such as growth, efficiency, efficiency and effectiveness. It is found that it achieves a ROE with a positive sign in each of the years.  It also achieves a positive EVA every year. When compared to the sector, it was found that its ROE was higher because it was more efficient in the use of assets and more effective in controlling costs and expenses; in addition, its EVA per monetary unit invested was higher because its after-tax return on net operating assets was higher, which allowed it to overcome its higher cost of capital.



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