Acuerdo de paz en Colombia: análisis y proyección

Acuerdo de paz en Colombia: análisis y proyección

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Claudia Carrión


Colombian society is facing an unprecedented historical moment. After four arduous years of negotiation, the Colombian State and FARC guerrilla have ready the Final Agreement for the End of the Conflict and the Construction of a Stable and Lasting Peace, which would end a war of more than fifty years. While turning this dark page in the history of the country and opening the debate and the public agenda to work on other problems that prevent the consolidation of a nation project is a deep desire, the concerns, fears and threats in the face of the negotiations and the agreement have created a political limbo that has divided the country in three groups: those who bet on the implementation of the agreements, those who do not trust and deny their validity and, perhaps the most serious, the vast indifferent majority that does not assume a political position. In this way, it is important to analyze the key points of this agreement, not only in its positive dimension, but also with respect to the impact that they could eventually have to better understand the position of the different sectors around the implementation of the final agreement. 



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Author Biography (SEE)

Claudia Carrión, Universidad Central

Licenciada en Educación con énfasis en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Estudiante de Comunicación y Periodismo de la Universidad Central.

References (SEE)

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