The validity of peace in the context of the National Strike

La vigencia de la paz en el contexto del Paro Nacional

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Juan Danyster Montoya Cardona


In this research I present a comparison between positive peace and the practice of peace, constructed by the resistance in Cali, Colombia, in the Paro of 2021, and the negative peace, expressed by the State. I consider the previous concepts, in relation to the repertoire of expressions given by the demonstrators, based on the collection of data and testimonies, gathered in complaints and reports of human rights organizations. The research gathers the construction of positive peace from thestories of the demonstrators, and how this has been stigmatized. It is concluded that the State must be the guarantor of human rights and this is fundamental for a positive peace. Finally, it is the community that, through their different forms of organization, build peace from the positive processing of the conflict and its difficulties.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Juan Danyster Montoya Cardona, Universidad del Valle

Licenciado en Filosofía y Magíster en Filosofía de la Universidad del Valle. Profesor de cátedra de la Maestría en Salud Pública de la Universidad del Valle y de la Universidad Autónoma de Occidente. Defensor de derechos humanos de la Redfic del Sur Occidente colombiano.

References (SEE)

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