Una mirada crítica a la investigación universitaria venezolana desde la postura de informantes clave

Una mirada crítica a la investigación universitaria venezolana desde la postura de informantes clave

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Zulay Rangel Toloza


The study was to examine a critical look at the state of the University Research Venezolana, taking into consideration the key informant research managers Venezuelan universities. The methodology is framed in a qualitative approach, with phenomenological and hermeneutical perspective which allowed recognize, interpret, explain and understand the sociocultural linguistic messages of the studied reality and place the methodological stage in a set of techniques and procedures such as content analysis the use of Atlas TI, in its conclusions was obtained that managers must have a new conceptualization of research giving greater emphasis to development projects that have a social impact in terms of the needs of the region and the country.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Zulay Rangel Toloza, UNEFA

Ingeniera Industrial, magíster en Gerencia de Empresas, mención Mercadeo (2004) y Doctorado en Gerencias Gerenciales de la unefa.