La relación bilateral de Colombia y Estados Unidos en materia de drogas. Una lectura desde el realismo clásico y el constructivismo

La relación bilateral de Colombia y Estados Unidos en materia de drogas. Una lectura desde el realismo clásico y el constructivismo

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Sebastián Rodríguez Luna


Theoretical debates within International Relations shape the way problems are regarded. As for the bilateral relation of Colombia and the United States on the war on drugs, classical realism scholars have greatly influenced the explanations in that matter. Therefore, it is commonly claimed that the United States imposes an approach of the antidrug policy on Colombia, with this country being unable to influence the decision, for the difference of power between them is evident. This article suggests that this view is incomplete because it overlooks other important elements, and turns to the constructivist theory to argue that Colombia does not simply accept the American impositions, but rather participates in the construction of the policy approach and actively tries to shape it according to its preferences.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Sebastián Rodríguez Luna, Universidad de los Andes

Profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de los Andes.