Perfil de competencias profesionales en negocios internacionales demandado por el sector productivo y las instituciones de educación superior en Santa Marta (Colombia)

Perfil de competencias profesionales en negocios internacionales demandado por el sector productivo y las instituciones de educación superior en Santa Marta (Colombia)

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Iris Cantillo Velásquez


The competences profile is shown as the set of values and capabilities that generates general and specific actions developed in the specific area or field of professional training. The purpose of this article is to describe the profile of professional competences in International Businesses demanded in the productive sector and institutions of higher education in Santa Marta (Colombia). This is a part of the process of bibliographical review in the research project of the institutional research line “Social Responsibility” and the line “Management and Technology”, as well as the disciplinary research line “International Commerce”, assigned to Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior (CUN) Colombia. Methodologically, the steps of the ethnographic method were followed as an epistemic tradition for the expansion of scientific knowledge according to Martínez (2009), Strauss & Corbin (2002), Denzin (2012), among others. Among the final reflections it is described that the competences profile is based on knowledge, skills and attitudes, which are linked to the ones demanded by the context. The requirements of the competence profile are linked to the learning of “knowing, doing and coexisting”, and learning to undertake, with a development of creative thinking, critical thinking, an adequate capacity to make decisions and to solve problems. Likewise, the structure for the derivation of proficiency profiles which responds to a series of philosophical principles, demands of the profile, values, attitudes and qualities desired in young professionals, to be forming a real representation of the categories linked in the derivation of the profile.



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