Theoretical framework on University Social Responsibility

Marco teórico sobre Responsabilidad Social Universitaria

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Jorge Enrique Maldonado Pinto


University Social Responsibility is presented as a reality that cannot be postponed in the medium and short term in Higher Education Institutions. Faced with the existing social problems, which have increased precisely due to immigration from neighboring towns in search of new opportunities to survive, support their families and try to solve their economic problems, it is imperative to take actions that further integrate universities with the surrounding communities. It is of relevant importance to offer professional education and training to all internal and external groups of society without excluding any, such as the migratory population, who, if they are not attended to, can raise the levels of social insecurity with their actions, as already mentioned. is presenting. To contribute to the solution of these problems, therefore, it is essential to try to delve more effectively into the knowledge of this reality. A decent job is one of the fundamental rights of individuals belonging to a nation; Approaching the construction of a theoretical framework on University Social Responsibility, through a documentary review, would contribute in part to the solution of this social problem.



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