Transmedia narration on cachaco lexicon for students from stratum 3 schools in Bogotá.

Narración transmedia sobre léxico cachaco para estudiantes de colegios estrato 3 en Bogotá

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juana valentina osorio casallas


This project has a cultural approach in the city of Bogotá. A city where its inhabitants were characterized by having a peculiar and very humorous language, known as Lexicon Cachaco, which marked the history of the capital. With the passing of time and the arrival of new generations, this was being forgotten, as well as those who still express themselves in that particular way. This is why the project called Remembering is living arises, which consists of the creation of a transmedia narration instrument where the end user, in this case young people, live the experience of knowing the Cachaca culture through its language. The objective of this tool is that young people become more and more familiar with this culture. For the collection of information and data, the proposed methodology is quantitative, since it allows to analyze the results in an easy and direct way, through interviews with young people and adults residing in Bogotá, in order to conclude with the correct execution of the narrative instrument and that reach the ultimate public goal.



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