Cuando la paz duele. Reflexiones en torno al genocidio contra la Unión Patriótica en Colombia

Cuando la paz duele. Reflexiones en torno al genocidio contra la Unión Patriótica en Colombia

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Alexander Montealegre Saavedra


Through an exercise of revision and interpretation, this article analyzes the central discourses that have explained the dynamics of the violence, identifying its main flaws and omissions. Thereafter, it incorporates elements of interpretation based on Foucault’s ideas, in order to: 1) understand the circumstances of violence as a social practice circumscribed to any social organization, and 2) characterize one of its most radical expressions: genocidal practices. Finally, the genocide perpetrated against the Unión Patriótica (UP) in Colombia is outlined as one of the first expressions of transpolitical violence in this country. 



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Author Biography (SEE)

Alexander Montealegre Saavedra, Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior (CUN)

Politólogo, licenciado en Ciencias Sociales y magíster en Investigación en Problemas Sociales Contemporáneos. Docente del Área de Formación Investigativa de la Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior (CUN).