Design of a teaching strategy to develop meaningful learning in the universe and the solar system of Natural Sciences, in third grade children of the La Reinera educational center, San Luis B. headquarters, municipality of Arauquita

Diseño de una estrategia didáctica para desarrollar el aprendizaje significativo en el universo y el sistema solar de Ciencias Naturales, en Niños del grado tercero del centro educativo La Reinera, sede San Luis B., municipio de Arauquita

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Luz Aleida Álzate
Jorge Enrique Perilla Lezcano


This project emphasizes the design of a didactic strategy to foster meaningful learning on the topic of the universe and the solar system in third-grade children at La Reinera educational center in the municipality of Arauquita. To achieve this, it was necessary to work towards four objectives. The first objective involved conducting a pre-knowledge diagnosis with the students regarding the topic, which was successfully completed, revealing the need to implement the pedagogical strategy. The second objective focused on identifying existing OVA models, leading to the decision to create an author's own OVA using the digital educational resource called Exelearning. The third objective aimed at designing the virtual learning object based on the universe and the solar system theme. Lastly, the fourth objective involved the validation of the OVA by experts, which was fully accomplished and satisfactory. This project has successfully developed an effective didactic strategy to promote meaningful learning about the universe and the solar system among third-grade children.



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