To understand the Simplified Trust Regime: an analytical approach from multiple perspectives
Para entender el Régimen Simplificado de Confianza: un enfoque analítico desde múltiples perspectivas
Main Article Content
The simplified trust regime is a fundamental aspect of the tax landscape that seeks to simplify tax processes for certain taxpayers. In this article, we explore the simplified regime from multiple perspectives using an analytical approach. We begin by contextualizing its importance and objectives within the tax system, highlighting its focus on trust and administrative simplification. Through a comprehensive review of the literature and analysis of empirical data, we examine the various aspects of the simplified trust regime. We consider its impact on administrative efficiency, tax equity, and regulatory compliance. In addition, we critically assess its strengths and limitations from the point of view of taxpayers, tax authorities, and society at large. Our analysis reveals several significant findings. On the one hand, the simplified trust regime has proven to be effective in reducing the administrative burden and facilitating tax compliance for many taxpayers, especially small businesses and the self-employed. However, it also poses significant challenges in terms of fairness, transparency, and regulatory compliance. By examining the regime from multiple perspectives, we identify key areas for improvement and optimization. This includes the need to establish stronger supervisory mechanisms to mitigate the risk of tax evasion and ensure fairness in the treatment of taxpayers. We also highlight the importance of promoting tax education and transparency to strengthen trust in the tax system. In summary, this article provides a deep and nuanced understanding of the simplified trust regime, offering important insights to inform future tax policies and promote more equitable and efficient systems. Our analytical approach from multiple perspectives highlights the complexity and diversity of challenges and opportunities associated with this key tax regime
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