Pedagogical resource to improve Reading, mediated by ICT, in Natural Sciences Students of the Los Santos Integrated School
Recurso pedagógico para perfeccionar la Lectura, mediada por TIC, en Estudiantes de Ciencias Naturales del Colegio Integrado Los Santos
Main Article Content
The objective of this study was to examine the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the teaching of Natural Sciences-Biology, specifically in the improvement of reading skills in seventh grade students at the Colegio Integrado Los Saints. The research was carried out using a mixed approach that combined qualitative and quantitative methods. The study focused on addressing the problem identified through a diagnosis carried out on the participating students, exploring their perspective and their natural environment. The final purpose was to strengthen the teaching of reading through the design and implementation of a pedagogical resource that integrates ICT as mediating tools. The study was carried out with the participation of 30 seventh grade students in a public institution in the municipality of Los Santos. The students played an active role in the development of a pretest and a survey on the use of ICT, which were administered both remotely and in person by the author of the project. The analytical process was based on extensive research supported by information collected through direct observations and quasi-experimental experiments. These collected data allowed us to obtain more precise conclusions and results.
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